Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit by Google, that came out in May 2017. The software has gained immense popularity due to its ability to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. One of the prominent strengths of Flutter lies in its extensive ecosystem of packages and plugins that extend the framework’s capabilities. The packages and plugins allow developers to integrate various functionalities into their apps easily. In this article, we’ll explore some essential Flutter packages that can significantly enhance your app’s functionality and performance. So, keep reading to learn more about the Flutter packages and plugins.


Exploring Essential Flutter Packages: Boosting Your App’s Functionality and Performance


The Shared_preferences is the first package on our list. This package from Flutter is used for storing simple data persistently on the device  this packagepreferably used by top companies who are providing flutter app development services in Canada. It allows users to save and retrieve small amounts of data (like user preferences, settings, or basic state) in a key-value pair format. The data is stored in the device’s local storage, making it accessible even after the app is closed and reopened.


The second Flutter package on our list is Intl. The plugin is used for internationalization (i18n) and flutter localization. The package provides tools for formatting dates and numbers and handling different languages and locales. This package is essential for making users’ apps usable in various languages and regions.


Developers often find code generation tedious. Additionally, code generation is an error-prone task. However,  with the build_runner, the process can be exciting and the chances of errors are reduced. Build_runner is one of the famous plugins that automate code generation tasks in Flutter and Dart projects. It’s often used in conjunction with other packages (like json_serializable, freezed, etc.) to generate code, such as model classes, JSON serialization logic, and more to enhance efficiency and reduce manual coding errors. It also helps streamline development by automating repetitive code-writing tasks.


Shimmer is a Flutter package that is used to create a loading effect, often seen as a shimmering placeholder while content is being loaded. This is commonly used to indicate that data is being fetched and displayed. The package provides a better user experience by showing a visual placeholder until the actual content is ready.


The purpose of Fluttertost package is to allow users to display toast messages in a Flutter app. A toast is a short, non-intrusive message that appears on the screen to provide feedback or notifications to the user. The Flutter package provides a simple way to show these messages, which automatically disappear after a few seconds.  Whether you need to inform users about a successful action or a brief warning, Fluttertoast ensures that the message is conveyed clearly and concisely without interrupting the user experience.


You may have noticed whenever you install a new app, it requires permission to access sensitive device features like the camera, location, or contacts. The permission_handler package has been introduced to handle such requests. The permission_handler is used to manage permissions in a Flutter app. It provides an interface to check and request permissions required by your app, such as access to the camera, location, contacts, storage, and more. This is essential for ensuring your app can access the necessary features of the device securely and with user consent.


The location package is one of the most essential packages out there. It plays a vital role in the development of the app that requires GPS data. The package provides an easy way to access the device’s current location, monitor location changes, and manage location settings. Whether you’re building a navigation app or a service that depends on user location, the location package offers the tools required to integrate location services seamlessly.


Efficiently loading and displaying images is essential for maintaining app performance and user satisfaction. cached_network_image package is here to help you maintain app performance and user satisfaction. The package is used to efficiently load and cache images from the internet. It helps reduce the time and bandwidth required to fetch images by caching them locally on the device. If an image has been loaded before, it can be displayed instantly from the cache, improving performance and user experience.


State management is an essential aspect of Flutter development, and the provider package is one of the most popular solutions for this purpose. The package is a state management solution in Flutter. It allows you to manage and share state across different parts of your app cleanly and efficiently. Provider is easy to use and integrates well with Flutter’s reactive architecture, making it a top choice for developers.


Designing responsive UIs that look great on different screen sizes and resolutions can be a tough ask. However, you can address such challenges with the help of the Flutter package  flutter_screenutil.  The package helps in designing responsive layouts in Flutter. It allows you to adapt your app’s UI to different screen sizes and pixel densities by providing methods to scale dimensions, text sizes, and other UI elements proportionally. This ensures a consistent look and feel across various devices and screen sizes.


The Final Notes

Flutter’s rich ecosystem of packages and plugins inspires developers and programmers to build feature-rich, high-performance mobile, web, and desktop applications with ease. The packages on our list—ranging from data storage and localization to state management and responsive design—demonstrate the versatility and power of Flutter. By incorporating these packages into your projects, you can boost your app’s functionality, enhance user experience, and streamline your development process. The packages ultimately help you deliver a polished and professional product.

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